Sunday 22 October 2017

Favour for Manifestation

2 Samuel 12:24; Romans 8:19
The word of God in Rom 8:19 declares that creation is eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. The sons of God are those who are ready to show forth the glory of God through manifestations that add value to life. You and I have been created in order to affect others in a positive way such that other people's lives have value. However, this is only possible when we have sons who are mature and ready for battle.

The reasons why we don't manifest greatness is because we have not yet reached maturity of son-ship. Who is a son? A son is a gift to the world for the turn around of other people's lives. Sons are mature agents of God capable of executing God's mission on earth.  A son is someone who cares about what should be done and does not cry like children do. God cannot trust a child with His mission because children are beings that like playing with toys, events and are not willing to understand what it takes to own the circumstances. Children only cry in the midst of problems but sons take action to deal with the problem. Sons are people who are ready to receive and understand the instruction for execution. Sons receive the favour of God to manifest greatness

What is the product of favour?
  1. Favour can transcend beyond your negative story and give you a place of greatness in the history of mankind, Favour has the capacity to re-write the history of anyone despite their background. Favour can make your enemy to submit to your authority
  2. Favour of God can remove someone from the back to the front, from the bottom to being the head. Favour qualifies the unqualified. Favour is bigger than experience. We all need favour for growth. Favour will carry you to levels where common opinion will consider you too young or inexperienced to be
  3. Favour gives without struggle what others will struggle to get. Absalom struggled to become king of Isreal but Solomon received the crown for the kingdom of Israel without a single fight.
The Favour of God is the sons capital to manifest exploits. Be the son God wants to use to accomplish His mission on Earth

Sunday 15 October 2017

Unveiling the Mystery of divine favour

Exodus 11:1-3; Song of Solomon 1:5
It’s a tragedy in life to live under the cover of dis-favour. You can be gifted, talented and educated yet you live under the shadow of a satanic curse and nothing seems to work for you. There is no fire that can break a curse but one needs a blessing from God to break the curse. Before the Passover, God granted the children of Israel favour to get expensive gifts from the Egyptian neighbours. God’s favour allowed the children of Israel to exit out of Egypt with great wealth (Ex 11:1-3).  

The prescription for any issue in one’s life is God's favour. Favour is greater than beauty and anything you can ever think. It’s God's favour that can transcend any issue affecting your life negatively. What is favour? Favour is a potion in divine grace that influences positive events for an individual. Favour is the fragrance that allows one to be surrounded by acceptability and likability in life. Favour can also be described as a supernatural magnetic force that pulls the relevant people in one's life. If favour is in your life, you cannot lack anyone to intercede for you in difficult circumstances because favour pulls the relevant people for any circumstances. Favour is a dressing of glory and beauty which makes someone acceptable and likable in society. When favour comes upon your life, you become irresistible. Favour can also be described as a supernatural pleasantness o fragrance that will be enjoyed by everyone around.

The Bible records an incidence in Jacobs’s life when Laban exchanged Leah for Rachael on the wedding night after labouring for her for 7 years. However, Jacob could not let Rachael go because she was flavoured with favour and he was willing to labour for her for another 7 years. Favour will allow anyone who has swallowed anything that belongs to you to spit it out no matter ‘how long. God’s favour empowers you to own your blessings without interference.